How to judge what kind of laser tube cutting machine you want to buy

Before we buy a pipe cutter, we need to know about laser pipe cutters,

The first step to understand the laser pipe cutting machine, first with their own requirements to understand, such as pipe material, pipe size, cutting requirements and other factors, as well as after-sales service, industrial processing equipment unlike car maintenance can be found everywhere. It’s like buying a device across two provinces and knowing helplessness every once in a while when you can’t deal with a bunch of small problems. On the one hand facing the demand of customers, on the other hand looking at leisure workers. You’ll end up regretting why you bought it. Of course, the price is the first choice of most people, I personally choose what I want to talk about what kind of laser pipe cutting machine you want to buy and the needs of customers.


Priority among priorities

At present, laser tube cutting can be divided into three categories

1, vertical cutting, that is, the cutting head can only move up and down suitable for cutting round tube for cutting processing services. Advantages: High efficiency, cost-effective. Disadvantages: single processing)

2, three-dimensional cutting, on the basis of vertical cutting, add horizontal and vertical suitable for square pipe shaped pipe round pipe vertical cutting on the surface of the pipe (advantages: extensive processing requirements, can be drilled on the pipe pattern processing. Disadvantages: angular stitching requires special processing, and three-dimensional drawing personnel are required to cooperate on the basis of vertical cutting.)

3, on the basis of three-dimensional cutting to increase the cutting head can be tilted, currently commonly known as the “five dimensional laser pipe cutting” in the industry is called the beveled function of laser pipe cutting machine (priority: beveled, disadvantages: expensive, immature). In addition to these three types of chuck currently have a single chuck (advantages: economic benefits, disadvantages: cost steamed bread, mainly refer to vertical cutting), double chuck (advantages: automatic feeding non-automatic feeding, disadvantages: pipe tail can not be processed, the need for manual secondary cutting), multi chuck (advantages: can achieve 0 tail material, disadvantages: Laser and power of the choice of the current laser brand, a penny a penny.

The final level:

Power selection: The current power can cover a wide range, and professional thin cut tube low power 500w to industrial grade 20000w. This option to consider their own processing thickness of the product. The higher the power, the higher the price. There are special requirements, such as thick pipe cutting surface requirements should be selected relative to nitrogen/oxygen processing. Finally, I would like to talk about the current treatment and income of workers in the processing plant. Regular workers are turned into regular workers 4500+ commission. The market price of drawing ranges from 8000-15,000 (because I can’t afford to hire someone, so I draw by myself).

Current main processing objects: furniture factory iron pipe cutting, stainless steel pipe cutting, auto parts processing, lamp parts processing, stove parts processing, bathroom parts processing, etc.

Post time: Dec-29-2022